Regional Repairs
Helping homeowners with repairs and home maintenance across the Chicagoland region.
Chicagoland Regional Repair Collaborative
In 2022, the Chicagoland Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors ratified a 3-year strategic plan that was developed in partnership with the six local Habitat affiliates. One of the goals of that strategic plan was for Chicagoland Habitat to assist affiliates in tripling the number of families served by repairs, by raising $4 million and by establishing a regional repair collaboration effort. In the first year alone, nearly $2 million has been raised, and four new staff members have been hired by affiliates to coordinate repairs. Chicagoland Habitat is working behind the scenes to help affiliates solve problems and improve efficiency.
Why Repairs Are Needed
Since their founding, the six Habitat for Humanity affiliates serving the Chicago metro region have been committed to providing safe, decent, and affordable homes to qualifying low-income families. Working hand-in-hand with community volunteers and homeowners, affiliates have constructed and sold new homes, and acquired and substantially rehabilitated existing homes, while leveraging their housing construction experience to address a wider array of housing needs in their areas of service.
However, the need for housing repairs, especially for seniors and veterans, is critically high. With an aging population, the demand for home modifications and repair assistance is growing. We’re stepping up to meet this challenge by expanding our existing programs and reaching out to more communities:
- Data from the National Low Income Housing Coalition shows that almost 290,000 affordable homes would need to be built to adequately and affordably house all extremely low-income renters in Illinois.
- Habitat for Humanity addresses this shortage in two ways. First, we build new or rehabilitate existing affordable housing units, and second, we repair homes for qualifying low-income families. This repair work is critical to maintain the current supply for affordable homes for low-income families.
- In the metro Chicago region alone, there is a huge, unmet need for home repairs for low-income households. The data show a total of 408,166 households with one or more housing conditions in need of repair.
Across the Chicagoland region, we have more than doubled the number of repairs in 2023 compared to 2021. But we know we can, and we must, do much more. With your support, we can make safe, decent, and comfortable living conditions a reality for everyone in our community.
Family Highlights
For Contractors
Affiliates actively seek bids from qualified contractors at various times throughout the year. Click here to find an affiliate near you!
For Families
If you’re interest in applying for a home repair, click here to find an affiliate near you!