
Lake County homebuyer

“My name is Tanya and I am the proud mother of 4 beautiful children, 3 sons, ages 1, 9, and 19 and one daughter, age 16. My family and I rent a three-bedroom townhouse in Gurnee. I am excited to dive into the New Year and start building my home.

“Right now my 9 year old son is afraid of going outside because he might get jumped. I have no control over who is in my apartment complex. In the living room, there is structural damage in the floor, which creates an unsafe area to stand. Until the damage is repaired, my children and I have to be careful where we walk. During the repairs, my family of five will need to live in a hotel room. On top of that, my family and I have asthma, but my neighbors break the rules and smoke making it hard to breathe.

“Having a house, which we will call home, means the world to us. I will finally have control over my living situation. Our home is frequently inspected by the property owner and I am excited to no longer have a landlord. Our home will be a place where my children can grow up, feel comfortable and be safe. Being a Habitat homeowner will be such a blessing. I look forward to gardening and creating memories with my children.

“Thank you Habitat for Humanity Lake County for this blessing and the opportunity for my family. Thank you to the volunteers that will help me build my house and the sponsors for your acts of kindness. God is good and I am a believer that dreams do come true.”


Fox Valley homebuyer

“My life before Habitat for Humanity consisted of a lot of moving. In ten years, we moved seven times. It was really hard on Naima and Jaeda, especially when they were already in school. Sometimes we would move because the lease would end and the girls would have to make new friends and get used to new routines. Sometimes whatever was being taught in school was different at the new school whether it was easier or harder so it was really challenging for the girls as they got older.

“I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home with my parents and my two siblings. That’s the kind of home that I wished for my children. I want them to have a stable home a forever home. They’ve been waiting for their own home, their own bedrooms, so I know they’ll be very excited to receive the keys to the house.

“Everything changed when I was accepted into the Habitat program it changed everything I was feeling and my spirits were lifted. And it showed me I was going to be able to provide a home for my kids. I am thankful that Habitat gave me that opportunity.”


Fox Valley homebuyer

“Our family started off kind of rough, but we are here by the grace of God. Rafa, our oldest son, was born with a cataract in his left eye, but he has always been a great son and brother. Manny was born at 25 weeks of gestation, which caused some issues for him. He has overcome so many things in his short life. But like he says, ‘God has put me in this family and you cannot return me!’ He touches our lives and everyone around him by just being himself.”

“Manny being in a wheelchair has not stopped our family from doing so many things, and I’ve always told him that he can do anything. And now, in partnership with Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity, our family hass built an accessible home of our own where Manny won’t have to deal with stairs and everything is in reach.”

“God has blessed us so much in this life. We have had some rough patches, but we stand strong with God being our Rock and our Foundation.”